Titles – 5th Symposium


Proceedings of the 5th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Toronto, 1968 

Full papers can be found here (login required)

The Influence and Control of Groundwater in Open Pit Mining
C.O. Brawner

In Situ Dynamic Strain Measurements in Rock
R. F. Favreau and S. Chung

Behavior of the Underground Powerhouse Arch at the W.A. C.Bennett Dam During Excavation
A.S. Imrie and L.T. Jory

Insights into Undercutting in Block Caving
Giovanni Barla and Stefan Boshkov

Rock Stress Measurement at the Sullivan Mine
M.J. Aoyea

Rock Mechanics in Damsite Location
E.W. Brooker and I.H. Anderson

Design and Application of Microseismic Devices
C.D. Broadbent and C.W. Armstrong

Underground Measurements in a Steeply Dipping Orebody
D.G.F. Hedley, G. Zahary, H.W. Soderlund and D. F. Coates

Ultrasonic Compressional and Shear-wave Velocities of Confined Rock Samples
M.S. King

Projectile Penetration in Rock
Alan Bauer and P.N. Calder

Fracture Characteristics of Rock Particles Tested Under Impact
K.D. Lyall and R.O. Tervo

Closure Studies Improve Ground Control of Falconbridge Mine
K.R. Notley